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Buna Again!

So much news for this week, we had our first PUBLIC EVENT!

It was an art exhibition were we displayed some joint photos for Second Chance with the guys at Juvenile Penitentiary and some paintings that were drawn by them in a high-level of proficiency.


We worked on building the cell as our stand for displaying the paintings and photos, also on promoting our event through sticking posters in the streets and giving out flyers to passing by people; It was something I always wanted to try and do.


In the event itself, we had media coverage, we shot interviews and filled questionnaire. The Guys from the penitentiary joined us as well in that day.

What made it more challenging was the rain; we had to carry our cell from under the rain, it was heavy and we were maybe ten carrying it! Then we tried to invite people from down the streets to come and participate in this event.

Eco Youth and Red Bracelet helped us also in building the cell and hanging the paintings; Working with all the volunteers is so much of fun!


And now, I am sitting here, facing some troubles with Adobe Premiere, the movies is not opening but I am still trying :/  I am working on editing and montaging the gallery event movie, it’s the first time for me to work on such a thing and I am really excited for this chance!

Wish you all a happy weekend…



Our First Public Event...

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