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Dear friends,

I’ve been gone for a week to Turkey on a touristic purpose.

I thought I will go inside the history and wander of Istanbul, but indeed I dove into

something else, unexpected fact.

I met all Turks around me, I’ve never seen such warmth and hospitality, add to that the fact that I’ve visited enough countries in the world to let me decide where I am welcome

the most.

Every second passed made me learn a new thing on how to have a beautiful soul and heart, even if you carry a lot of cultural differences you are at the end as important as a part of their family.

If I want to thank, I can never thank enough all the Turks I’ve met that made it possible for me to understand humanity still exists.

Thank you all…

I’ve learnt a lesson to take for life in only one week

Long live Turkey as long as people like you still exist…

My friend asked me, during all these 8 months you spend in Romania, describe to me what was your sadest and most beautiful moment. I answered: “it was my trip to Turkey” :)

Beautiful weekend all…

Kian Hattar



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